Events Calendar
Young Adult Secret Pizza Party
We're going to have a pizza party, and you're invited! At least, you are if you can find the clues that lead to when it is. Register for your first clue!
FRGML Running Club
Fox River Grove Memorial Library Running Club will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6:30 PM, as well as Saturdays at 7:30 AM. All runs begin at Algonquin Road Schoo
Cross Examination, Closing Argument and Credibility: How to Write Compelling Fiction with Donna Kelly
Donna Kelly will return to the Fox River Grove Memorial Library to discuss how her career as a criminal lawyer has influenced her creative writing.
Act of God
Williams Street Rep and Raue Center for the Arts Presents An Act of God
FRGML Running Club
Fox River Grove Memorial Library Running Club will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6:30 PM, as well as Saturdays at 7:30 AM.
Kids Run This Town
Join Kids Run This Town so your child can can call themselves a Half Marathoner!
CYT Musical Theater Summer Camp in Crystal Lake - August
Campers rotate through theater workshops including dance, drama, and voice, play exciting theater games and participate in a showcase on the last day of camp.
Categories: Networking Events
Categories: Networking EventsChamber Member Event
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